InLevel Up CodingbyAlbers UzilaWanna Break into Data Science in 2024? Think Twice!It won’t be smooth sailing for youDec 23, 20221K16Dec 23, 20221K16
InTDS ArchivebyAlbers UzilaBeautifully Illustrated: NLP Models from RNN to TransformerExplaining their complex mathematical formula with working diagramsOct 11, 20227628Oct 11, 20227628
InLevel Up CodingbyAlbers UzilaCode Development Best Practices for Your Data Science Projects with MakefileHow to maintain clean codes and automate the processFeb 9, 20246446Feb 9, 20246446
InLevel Up CodingbyAlbers UzilaHow to Write Documentation for Your Data Science Projects Using MkDocsFrom logging, typing, and docstring, to beautiful documentation within minutesOct 9, 20235661Oct 9, 20235661
InTDS ArchivebyAlbers Uzila5 Popular CNN Architectures Clearly Explained and VisualizedAnd why the heck does Inception look like a trident?!Aug 22, 20224052Aug 22, 20224052
InTDS ArchivebyAlbers UzilaPrice Recommendation System Modeling Using PyCaret and Deep LearningA case study for e-commerceFeb 23, 20224132Feb 23, 20224132
InTDS ArchivebyAlbers UzilaK-means Clustering and Principal Component Analysis in 10 MinutesWith hands-on case study walkthroughsJul 26, 20227071Jul 26, 20227071
InLevel Up CodingbyAlbers UzilaFirestore × Streamlit: a Powerful Combo for a Perfect Web AppUtilizing Streamlit secret and session state to fully interact with your usersApr 26, 2022379Apr 26, 2022379
InTDS ArchivebyAlbers UzilaComplete Step-by-step Conjugate Gradient Algorithm from ScratchAnd its implementation for solving linear systems and general function optimizationSep 27, 2021313Sep 27, 2021313
InTDS ArchivebyAlbers UzilaComplete Step-by-Step Gradient Descent Algorithm from ScratchAnd its implementation for constant learning rate and line searchSep 10, 20212002Sep 10, 20212002